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It was born from an intuition of Lavinio Velenosi about twenty years ago but represents the dream of a lifetime. The temple is a port, a landing place, an imaginary destination that stands out in the void, as if on a cloud, and appears to the physical traveler after a tortuous route in the territory of Venamartello, a hamlet of Acquasanta Terme (AP), about 25 kilometers from Ascoli Piceno. You go up and up, on foot or by car, until you reach the gate that leads to the Temple of the Great Mother. An ancestral cult, which contains the generating idea that pervades all subsequent cults, which transcends time and is embodied in the ideas and religious visions of different peoples and eras.

A majestic work that reproduces the classic façade of a Greek temple with six frontal columns, with a tympanum that encloses a painted ceramic representation that symbolizes the three great monotheistic religions, with the father Abraham.

Even inside the temple we find references to these religions: Noah's ark, the Tower of Babel, Michelangelo's Genesis. Frescoes, statues, symbols of a world that once was and a world to come. The temple contains the splendor of ancient times but displays a modernity and vitality that make this site fascinating. It can be a film set, a photographic set, imbued with mysticism, music, silences and mystery. Here music and flowers are the absolute protagonists, they break down barriers, create empathy, we find them depicted in every corner.

Things happen within the perimeter of the temple. We can see the table with the sacred texts of monotheistic religions; we can look up at the ceiling and see 300 travertine flowers, each dedicated to a thought of love. Lavinio Velenosi's intent was precisely to represent universal love, in its various forms: physical, spiritual love; earthly love and mystical love; love of the earth and love of water; love without borders, beyond religions, beliefs, cultural barriers. In the temple you are reborn, you return to new life, forever linked to the mother earth. In the temple you can breathe art and in the temple you find the inspiration to produce art. All those who want to produce works, who want to create something that remains, are welcome in the temple. The temple belongs to all men and women. The temple is dedicated to the woman, the mother, the earth, love, the mystery of life. The temple stands out against the background of life and generates life. Together with the house of love, which is located in front, it is a source of grace, of everlasting beauty.



the myths and rites of the Old Testament
one of the faces of the Great Mother
The charm of rituals in the night
Luck and abundance
each flower an act of love
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